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2024-01-03 04:21| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

文章目录 像素级分类指标1.MIOU2.IOU3.F14.Kappa5. Acc6. Recall7. 虚警率8. 漏提率 基于对象的指标基于边缘的指标

像素级分类指标 1.MIOU


import numpy as np import glob import tqdm from PIL import Image import cv2 as cv import os from sklearn.metrics import confusion_matrix,cohen_kappa_score from skimage import io from skimage import measure from scipy import ndimage from sklearn.metrics import f1_score def mean_iou(input, target, classes = 2): """ compute the value of mean iou :param input: 2d array, int, prediction :param target: 2d array, int, ground truth :param classes: int, the number of class :return: miou: float, the value of miou """ miou = 0 for i in range(classes): intersection = np.logical_and(target == i, input == i) # print(intersection.any()) union = np.logical_or(target == i, input == i) temp = np.sum(intersection) / np.sum(union) miou += temp return miou/classes 2.IOU

IoU (Intersection over Union) 从字面意义上来说就是交并比,顾名思义就是两个集合的交集与两个集合的并集之比。

def iou(input, target, classes=1): """ compute the value of iou :param input: 2d array, int, prediction :param target: 2d array, int, ground truth :param classes: int, the number of class :return: iou: float, the value of iou """ intersection = np.logical_and(target == classes, input == classes) # print(intersection.any()) union = np.logical_or(target == classes, input == classes) iou = np.sum(intersection) / np.sum(union) return iou 3.F1

F1分数(F1 Score),是统计学中用来衡量二分类模型精确度的一种指标。它同时兼顾了分类模型的精确率和召回率。F1分数可以看作是模型精确率和召回率的一种调和平均,它的最大值是1,最小值是0。

def compute_f1(prediction, target): """ :param prediction: 2d array, int, estimated targets as returned by a classifier :param target: 2d array, int, ground truth :return: f1: float """ prediction.tolist(), target.tolist() img, target = np.array(prediction).flatten(), np.array(target).flatten() f1 = f1_score(y_true=target, y_pred=img) return f1 4.Kappa


def compute_kappa(prediction, target): """ :param prediction: 2d array, int, estimated targets as returned by a classifier :param target: 2d array, int, ground truth :return: kappa: float """ prediction.tolist(), target.tolist() img, target = np.array(prediction).flatten(), np.array(target).flatten() kappa = cohen_kappa_score(target, img) return kappa 5. Acc


def compute_acc(gt, pred): matrix = confusion_matrix(y_true=np.array(gt).flatten(), y_pred=np.array(pred).flatten()) acc = np.diag(matrix).sum() / matrix.sum() return acc 6. Recall

召回率(Recall)就是被分为正类的样本数与测试数据集中的实际正类的样本数之比,意味着应该被分为正类的样本中会有多少是被正确分类出来,如下式所示: 在这里插入图片描述

def compute_recall(gt, pred): # 返回所有类别的召回率recall matrix = confusion_matrix(y_true=np.array(gt).flatten(), y_pred=np.array(pred).flatten()) recall = np.diag(matrix) / matrix.sum(axis = 0) return recall 7. 虚警率

FPR = FP / (TN+FP)

8. 漏提率

FNR = FN / (TP+FN)


paper: Adversarial Shape Learning for Building Extraction in VHR Remote Sensing Images



在这里插入图片描述 shape_eval.py

import os import cv2 import time import numpy as np from skimage import io, measure from skimage.color import label2rgb class AverageMeter(object): """Computes and stores the average and current value""" def __init__(self): self.initialized = False self.val = None self.avg = None self.sum = None self.count = None def initialize(self, val, count, weight): self.val = val self.avg = val self.count = count self.sum = val * weight self.initialized = True def update(self, val, count=1, weight=1): if not self.initialized: self.initialize(val, count, weight) else: self.add(val, count, weight) def add(self, val, count, weight): self.val = val self.count += count self.sum += val * weight self.avg = self.sum / self.count def value(self): return self.val def average(self): return self.avg # input: binary image def bn_region_growing(img, seed, region_limit=False, return_range=True): # print('region grow at seed: [%d, %d]'%(seed[0], seed[1])) # Parameters for region growing neighbors = [(-1, 0), (1, 0), (0, -1), (0, 1)] # Input image parameters h, w = img.shape # Initialize segmented output image segmented_obj = np.zeros((h, w), np.uint8) loc_range = [seed[0], seed[0], seed[1], seed[1]] seed_list = [seed] segmented_obj[seed[0], seed[1]] = 1 # Region growing until ... perimeter = 0 while len(seed_list): if region_limit: if np.sum(segmented_obj) > region_limit: break check_seed = seed_list.pop(0) # boundary_mark = False for offsets in neighbors: n_x = check_seed[0] + offsets[0] n_y = check_seed[1] + offsets[1] if n_x = h or n_y = w: continue # if not img[n_x, n_y]: boundary_mark = True if img[n_x, n_y] and segmented_obj[n_x, n_y] == 0: segmented_obj[n_x, n_y] = 1 seed_list.append([n_x, n_y]) if return_range: if n_x loc_range[1]: loc_range[1] = n_x if n_y loc_range[3]: loc_range[3] = n_y # if boundary_mark: perimeter+=1 # print('object area: %d, perimeter: %d.'%(np.sum(segmented_obj), perimeter)) # io.imsave('/home/dinglei/Code/BSeg_pred/binary/obj%d%d.png'%(seed[0], seed[1]), segmented_obj*255) if return_range: return segmented_obj, loc_range else: return segmented_obj def get_chain_code(boundary): current = boundary[-1][0] chain = [] for i in boundary: i = i[0] dx = i[0] - current[0] dy = i[1] - current[1] if dx 0: chain.append(6) if dx 0: chain.append(7) current = i return chain def calc_curvature(chain): curvature = 0 current = chain[-1] for i in chain: dif = np.abs(i - current) assert dif 4: dif = 8 - dif curvature += dif return curvature def mark_img(img, bn_thred=0): img = (img > bn_thred).astype(np.uint8) if img.ndim > 2: img = img[:, :, 0] h, w = img.shape # Parameters for region growing img_index = np.zeros((h, w)).astype(np.uint64) objects = [] obj_id = 0 for i in range(h): for j in range(w): if img[i, j] > 0 and img_index[i, j] == 0: segmented_obj, loc_range = bn_region_growing(img, [i, j]) obj_id += 1 img = img - segmented_obj img_index += segmented_obj * obj_id obj = seg_object(obj_id, segmented_obj, loc_range) if obj.area > 15: objects.append(obj) print('Index image generated. Num_objects: %d' % len(objects)) # rgb_map = label2rgb(img_index) return img_index, objects class seg_object(object): def __init__(self, index, segmented_map, loc_range): self.idx = index self.loc_range = loc_range self.area = np.sum(segmented_map) if self.area 1: for i in range(1, len(contours)): self.perimeter += cv2.arcLength(contours[i], True) # self.perimeter = measure.perimeter(segmented_map, neighbourhood=4) if not self.perimeter: self.perimeter = 0.01 p_eac = np.sqrt(self.area * np.pi) * 2 self.compact = p_eac / self.perimeter def get_map(self, index_map): return (index_map == self.idx).astype(np.uint8) def shape_eval(GT_img, pred_img): start = time.time() index_GT_map, objects_GT = mark_img(GT_img, bn_thred=127) index_pred_map, objects_pred = mark_img(pred_img, bn_thred=127) thred_overseg = 0.7 thred_underseg = 0.7 num_match = 0 compact_meter = AverageMeter() curve_meter = AverageMeter() for item_GT in objects_GT: GT_item_map = item_GT.get_map(index_GT_map) h0, h1, w0, w1 = item_GT.loc_range # area_match_thred = [int(item_GT.area*0.7), int(item_GT.area*1.3)] for item_pred in objects_pred: u0, u1, v0, v1 = item_pred.loc_range outbound = False if u0 > h1 or u1 w1 or v1 thred_underseg and r_overseg > thred_overseg: num_match += 1 compact_error = np.abs(item_GT.compact - item_pred.compact) curve_error = np.abs(item_GT.curv - item_pred.curv) compact_meter.update(compact_error) curve_meter.update(curve_error) # print('match item found. compact error: %.2f'%compact_error) continue match_ratio = num_match / len(objects_GT) print('Running time: %.2f match items: %d. Match rate: %.2f, mean compact error: %.2f curv error: %.2f.' \ % (time.time() - start, num_match, match_ratio * 100, compact_meter.avg * 100, curve_meter.avg * 100)) return match_ratio, compact_meter.avg, curve_meter.avg if __name__ == '__main__': import gdalTools import pandas as pd import glob import tqdm outPath = "ObjectEval.xlsx" if os.path.exists(outPath): os.remove(outPath) names = [] matchs = [] compacts = [] curves = [] gtPath = r'D:\MyWorkSpace\paper\fishpond\data_evaluation\test2\poly.tif' predList = glob.glob("./*/*/poly.tif") for predictPath in tqdm.tqdm(predList): name = predictPath.split("\\")[-2] im_proj, im_geotrans, im_width, im_height, gt = gdalTools.read_img(gtPath) im_proj, im_geotrans, im_width, im_height, pred = gdalTools.read_img(predictPath) GT_img = np.where(gt > 0, 255, 0) pred_img = np.where(pred > 0, 255, 0) match_ratio, mcompact_error, mcurve_error = shape_eval(GT_img, pred_img) print('Average match rate: %.2f, avg compact error: %.2f, avg curv error: %.2f' % ( match_ratio * 100, mcompact_error * 100, mcurve_error * 100)) names.append(name) matchs.append(match_ratio * 100) compacts.append(mcompact_error * 100) curves.append(mcurve_error * 100) data = {"method": names, "match": matchs, "compact": compacts, "curve": curves} pd.DataFrame(data).to_excel(outPath, sheet_name='Sheet1', index=False) import numpy as np import glob import tqdm from PIL import Image import cv2 as cv import os from sklearn.metrics import confusion_matrix,cohen_kappa_score from skimage import io from skimage import measure from scipy import ndimage from sklearn.metrics import f1_score import gdalTools def mean_iou(input, target, classes = 2): """ compute the value of mean iou :param input: 2d array, int, prediction :param target: 2d array, int, ground truth :param classes: int, the number of class :return: miou: float, the value of miou """ miou = 0 for i in range(classes): intersection = np.logical_and(target == i, input == i) # print(intersection.any()) union = np.logical_or(target == i, input == i) temp = np.sum(intersection) / np.sum(union) miou += temp return miou/classes def compute_iou(input, target, classes=1): """ compute the value of iou :param input: 2d array, int, prediction :param target: 2d array, int, ground truth :param classes: int, the number of class :return: iou: float, the value of iou """ intersection = np.logical_and(target == classes, input == classes) # print(intersection.any()) union = np.logical_or(target == classes, input == classes) iou = np.sum(intersection) / np.sum(union) return iou def compute_f1(target, prediction): """ :param prediction: 2d array, int, estimated targets as returned by a classifier :param target: 2d array, int, ground truth :return: f1: float """ prediction.tolist(), target.tolist() img, target = np.array(prediction).flatten(), np.array(target).flatten() f1 = f1_score(y_true=target, y_pred=img) return f1 def compute_kappa(target, prediction): """ :param prediction: 2d array, int, estimated targets as returned by a classifier :param target: 2d array, int, ground truth :return: kappa: float """ prediction.tolist(), target.tolist() img, target = np.array(prediction).flatten(), np.array(target).flatten() kappa = cohen_kappa_score(target, img) return kappa def compute_recall(gt, pred): # 返回所有类别的召回率recall matrix = confusion_matrix(y_true=np.array(gt).flatten(), y_pred=np.array(pred).flatten()) recall = np.diag(matrix) / matrix.sum(axis = 0) return recall def compute_acc(gt, pred): matrix = confusion_matrix(y_true=np.array(gt).flatten(), y_pred=np.array(pred).flatten()) acc = np.diag(matrix).sum() / matrix.sum() return acc if __name__ == '__main__': gtPath = r'D:\MyWorkSpace\paper\fishpond\data_evaluation\test2\poly.tif' predictPath = r'D:\MyWorkSpace\paper\fishpond\data_evaluation\g2_otherNet\watershed_unetpp\poly.tif' im_proj, im_geotrans, im_width, im_height, gt = gdalTools.read_img(gtPath) im_proj, im_geotrans, im_width, im_height, pred = gdalTools.read_img(predictPath) gt = np.where(gt > 0, 1, 0) pred = np.where(pred > 0, 1, 0) iou = compute_iou(gt, pred) f1 = compute_f1(gt, pred) kappa = compute_kappa(gt, pred) recall = compute_recall(gt, pred) acc = compute_acc(gt, pred) print(f'acc:{acc}, iou:{iou}, f1:{f1}, kappa:{kappa}, recall:{recall}') 基于边缘的指标

参考A Benchmark Dataset and Evaluation Methodology for Video Object Segmentation ,DeepStrip: High Resolution Boundary Refinement

import numpy as np import math """ Utilities for computing, reading and saving benchmark evaluation.""" def db_eval_boundary(foreground_mask,gt_mask,bound_th=0.008): """ Compute mean,recall and decay from per-frame evaluation. Calculates precision/recall for boundaries between foreground_mask and gt_mask using morphological operators to speed it up. Arguments: foreground_mask (ndarray): binary segmentation image. gt_mask (ndarray): binary annotated image. Returns: F (float): boundaries F-measure P (float): boundaries precision R (float): boundaries recall """ assert np.atleast_3d(foreground_mask).shape[2] == 1 bound_pix = bound_th if bound_th >= 1 else \ np.ceil(bound_th*np.linalg.norm(foreground_mask.shape)) # Get the pixel boundaries of both masks fg_boundary = seg2bmap(foreground_mask); gt_boundary = seg2bmap(gt_mask); from skimage.morphology import binary_dilation,disk fg_dil = binary_dilation(fg_boundary,disk(bound_pix)) gt_dil = binary_dilation(gt_boundary,disk(bound_pix)) # Get the intersection gt_match = gt_boundary * fg_dil fg_match = fg_boundary * gt_dil # Area of the intersection n_fg = np.sum(fg_boundary) n_gt = np.sum(gt_boundary) #% Compute precision and recall if n_fg == 0 and n_gt > 0: precision = 1 recall = 0 elif n_fg > 0 and n_gt == 0: precision = 0 recall = 1 elif n_fg == 0 and n_gt == 0: precision = 1 recall = 1 else: precision = np.sum(fg_match)/float(n_fg) recall = np.sum(gt_match)/float(n_gt) # Compute F measure if precision + recall == 0: F = 0 else: F = 2*precision*recall/(precision+recall); return F def seg2bmap(seg,width=None,height=None): """ From a segmentation, compute a binary boundary map with 1 pixel wide boundaries. The boundary pixels are offset by 1/2 pixel towards the origin from the actual segment boundary. Arguments: seg : Segments labeled from 1..k. width : Width of desired bmap




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